Baidyanath Prawal Pishti
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Baidyanath Prawal Pishti
Baidhyanath Prawal Pishti / Praval Pishti
Praval Pishti is an Ayurvedic medicine, prepared from Coral. It is used in Ayurvedic treatment of cough, cold, Pitta related diseases etc. This medicine should only be taken strictly under medical supervision.
Benefits of Baidyanath Prawala Pishti:
- It is used in the treatment of cough, cold excessive burning sensation.
- It improves immunity. It acts as cardiac tonic.
- Growing children, adolescents and post-menopausal women need more calcium. It provides natural calcium and vitamin C for the development and maintenance of healthy bones, teeth and cell membrane.
- It easily absorbs and compensates the calcium requirement of the body.
- It relieves the body from the condition of calcium deficiency without any side effect like constipation and acid formation in stomach.
Traditional uses of Baidyanath Pravala Pishti:
- Kanthikara improves skin complexion and lustre
- Mangalakara auspicious
- Balya improves strength and immunity
- Athi sweda hara relieves excess sweating
- Ratri sweda hara useful in night sweating.
- Indicated in
- Kshaya depletion of body tissues, weight loss, tuberculosis
- Raktapitta Bleeding disorders such as nasal bleeding, heavy periods, etc
- Kasa cough, cold
- Shwasa asthma and chronic respiratory disorders
- Deepana improves digestion strength
- Pachana Digestive, relieves Ama Dosha
- Visha Toxic conditions, poisoning
- Bhuta nashana psychiatric disorders, mania
- Vidradhi Abscess
- Netraroga eye disorders
Dosage of Baidyanath Prawal Pisti:
- 125 mg 250 mg once or twice a day before or after food or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor.
- It is traditionally administered along with honey, butter or ghee.
Ingredients of Baidyanath Prawal Pisthi:
Shuddha Pravala Purified Coral 10 g
Rose water quantity sufficient.
The purified Coral is taken, pounded to powder form. It is thoroughly ground with rose water for 3 4 days, till it becomes as fine as collyrium, to obtain Pishti.