SBL Lithium Carbonicum - 30 ML
Dispatch time:Mar 17 - Mar 21
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SBL Lithium Carbonicum - 30 ML
Description of SBL Lithium Carbonicum :-
Causes & Symptoms for Lithium Carbonicum Stiffness all over, cerebral congestion, insomnia, pressing from within outward in head, abdominal ring, perineum, chest Tettery eruption on hands, head, cheeks, bruised spots from falls or blows indicates Lithium carb. Violent cough when lying down. Air feels cold when inspired, worse bending forward, and better after urinating Recurring attacks of acute inflammation of the small joints indicates Lithium carb. Mind and Head Confusion in the head, pain in heart; extends to head, difficulty in remembering names. Headache worse when lying down, it pains everywhere. Trembling and throbbing in head, pains in heart extend to head. Eyes, ear, nose Pain over eyes. Dry lids. Eyes pain after reading. Sensation or dryness and pain in eyes after reading. Dizzy states with ringing in ears. Pain behind left ear, in bone, extending towards neck. Blows nose, Nose swollen, red, especially right side, nose obstructed above, worse morning and forenoon. Mouth and Throat Glandular swellings left side of face, hard, some suppurating indicates Lithium carb. Both cheeks covered with dry, bran-like scales. Sore throat extending into ear. Stomach and abdomen Nausea, with fullness in temples, with headache. Fullness in pit of stomach. Acidity, nausea, slightest pressure of clothes, sticking burning extending upwards in epigastrium. Violent pain across upper abdomen indicates Lithium carb. Stool and Anus Violent, painful, dull stitch in perineum near anus, offensive stools. Urinary complaints Pain in region of right kidney, turbid urine with mucus, scanty and dark. While urinating, pressure in heart. Soreness of bladder and sharp, sticking pains in neck of bladder Male complaints Burning in urethra. Erection after urination at night indicates Lithium carb. Female complaints Menses late, scanty, cease suddenly and headache comes on. Pain in mammary gland indicates Lithium carb. Neck and Back Pain in sacrum, when standing, with confusion of head. Extremities Swelling and tenderness of finger and toe joints; better, hot water indicates Lithium carb. Nodular swellings in joints, ankles pain when walking. Itching-throbbing sensitive in all the finger. Soreness at margin of nail, with pain and redness. Pain and weakness of feet. Great soreness of corns, pain in little toes indicates Lithium carb. Skin Rough rash all over the body, tough dry itchy skin indicates Lithium carb. Dull stitch, ending in itching, Rough rash all over body. Generalities Dizzy states with ringing in ears. General feeling of heat, sweat on back of hands. Bones, joints, muscles, whole body sore as if beaten indicates Lithium carb.