SBL Lolium Temulentum - 30 ML
Dispatch time:Mar 21 - Mar 25
Delivery time is 5 to 6 days from the date of dispatch
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SBL Lolium Temulentum - 30 ML
Description of SBL Lolium Temulentum :-
Causes & Symptoms for Lolium Temulentum Cold rigors, internal chilliness, cold sweat indicates Lolium Temu. Uneasiness in epigastrium, with eructations of peculiar taste. Tightness in the calves, violent pain in the calves as if bound with cords. Weakness Of Limbs, Twitching of the Face or Muscles, Lose Control of Body Movements Mind and Head Confusion of mind, at times delirium, very great depression. Vertigo, better closing eyes, with shaking in head. Ear Roaring and tingling in ears. Stomach and abdomen Nausea, vomiting. Pain in pit of stomach and abdomen. Burning in mouth and throat. Vomiting every half-hour, all night, portions of bread and colorless mucus, leaving disagreeable taste. Extremities Loss of power in extremities, Cannot write; cannot hold a glass of water. Trembling of hands. Spasms of arms and legs. Legs excessively tight and painful, swollen, inflamed, itching. The action of Lolium is apt to be manifested in very wet seasons. Generalities Restlessness. General tremors.